mr. Suzanne van Hemert

- Telephone: 013-4668831
- E-mail: s.vanhemert@devoort.nl
- Position: Lawyer
- Fields of expertise:
- Secondary positions:
- Vereniging Jonge Insolventierecht Advocaten
- VVD Hilvarenbeek
- Quiz commissie Jonge Balie
Suzanne finds good and practical solutions to issues that involve Corporate or Insolvency law. She quickly makes connections, thinks things through and follows up with the right action and keeps all balls in the air with ease. Suzanne is there for small and medium-sized enterprises but also for large enterprises, shareholders, members of boards of directors and supervisory boards who face disputes. Business interests are the priority there but Suzanne also has an eye for personal factors.
She creates order in the bankruptcies she handles and she guides the entire legal process. With both feet on the ground she takes firm and resolute action. Whether it concerns a relaunch, settlement of an invoked reservation of title or selling assets, Suzanne has a clear view of the entire bankruptcy.