mr. Bram Vermue

- Telephone: 013-4668819
- E-mail: b.vermue@devoort.nl
- Position: Lawyer and Partner
- Fields of expertise:
- Focus areas:
- Contracts
- Financing and securities
- Directors’ liability
- Lawfulness in bankruptcies
- Secondary positions:
- Member of the Board of the De Voort Advocaten partnership
- Member of the Dutch association of insolvency lawyers (INSOLAD)
For other secondary positions and publications see below on this page.
Thoughtful and meticulous in his approach, that is typical of Bram. He is a corporate law and insolvency law specialist and graduated cum laude from the prestigious INSOLAD/Grotius postgraduate programme.
Bram advises entrepreneurs, who have often been clients for many years, on contracts, financing and securities, directors’ liability and lawfulness in bankruptcies. That way he prevents procedures for his clients in advance. Should a procedure be necessary, he will not rest before all facts have been uncovered to present the case of his clients to the court in a legally sound explanation. He has extensive experience in litigating before courts and appeal courts on various matters in his practice areas.
Bram has been a partner of De Voort Advocaten | Mediators since 2019.

Wetenschap en de pauliana na HR ABN-AMRO/Van Dooren q.q. III, Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht 2011/9 (Deventer: Kluwer)
Winner of the Miel Bogaertsprijs 2011: award for the best graduation thesis in the field of insolvency law (award was created by Bogaerts & Groenen advocaten).